The First Descendant Venom Injector – Mechanics & Obtaining

The First Descendant Venom Injector

The First Descendant is an exciting game filled with powerful gear, and one item that really stands out is the Venom Injector. This special weapon is especially popular with players who use Freyna. Its poison effects can change the outcome of a battle, making it a must-have for many. But what exactly is the Venom Injector, and why is it so popular among players? Let’s take a closer look and find out.

The First Descendant Overview

The First Descendant is an exciting looter-shooter game. You play as a super-soldier fighting to protect humanity. Along the way, you collect gear and modules to boost your abilities. The Venom Injector is one of the most sought-after modules in the game.

What Is A Venom Injector?

The Venom Injector module has a special effect. When you defeat a poisoned enemy, it spreads the poison to other nearby foes. This makes it an excellent tool for dealing with groups of enemies.

Imagine fighting a horde of aliens. You focus your attacks on one, inflicting it with poison. When that enemy falls, the Venom Injector kicks in. Suddenly, the poison jumps to the other aliens around it. They start taking damage over time, weakening the whole group. That’s the power of the Venom Injector!

Venom Injector Mechanics

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how the Venom Injector works. When the module procs, it has a chance to spread poison to up to 5 additional enemies within an 8-meter radius. The poison lasts for 10 seconds and deals 50 damage per second.

The First Descendant Venom Injector

However, the Venom Injector has a significant drawback: a 20-second cooldown. This means you can’t rely on it proccing constantly, especially in drawn-out boss fights. You’ll need to time your attacks carefully to make the most of the Venom Injector’s effect.

Another important thing to note is that upgrading the Venom Injector doesn’t reduce its cooldown. No matter how much you invest in it, you’ll still have that 20-second downtime between procs. Keep this in mind when deciding whether to slot the Venom Injector or another module.

How To Obtain The Venom Injector?

The Venom Injector is a rare drop, but you can boost your chances by running the right missions. The Hagios mission on normal mode has the highest drop rate at 4%. You can also try the Patrol Route (Battle Field) Mission in Rockfall, which has a 1.5% chance.

Farming the Venom Injector takes some patience. But it’s worth the effort to get this game-changing module for Freyna. Focus on missions with higher drop rates and optimize your build to speed things up.

Effective Use Of The Venom Injector

The Venom Injector shines at clearing out mobs of enemies. When you defeat a poisoned foe, it spreads the venom to others in an 8m radius, poisoning them for 5 seconds.

The First Descendant Venom Injector (1)

This chain reaction of poison makes it easy to wipe out groups of weaker enemies quickly. You can clear rooms in no time by strategically poisoning key targets. The 20-second cooldown means you need to time it well for maximum impact though.

Comparisons With Other Weapons

While the Venom Injector excels at crowd control, it falls short against single targets like bosses. For big baddies with huge health pools, you’ll want weapons with higher sustained damage.

But for most other situations, the Venom Injector is hard to beat. No other module can match its potential for wiping out entire mobs at once. Pair it with Freyna’s other abilities for the ultimate room-clearing combo!

Advanced Techniques For Using The Venom Injector

To really maximize the Venom Injector’s potential, you’ll want to upgrade it. Each level increases the spread radius, up to a whopping 8m! That’s enough to cover most rooms.

Positioning is also key. Try to poison enemies in the center of groups for the most effective spread. You can also combo it with other crowd control abilities to keep enemies clustered. Experiment and find what works best for your playstyle.


The Venom Injector is a strong and useful tool in The First Descendant, especially for players who like to take down groups of enemies quickly. Its poison effect spreads to nearby foes, making it great for clearing out large numbers of enemies.

Even though it has a 20-second cooldown, if you time your attacks right, it can still be very powerful. Combined with Freyna’s abilities, the Venom Injector is a valuable module to have. While it may take some time to get, its ability to change the flow of battle makes it worth the effort.

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